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Construction worker

  • Your fixed interest rate is the same during construction and for the permanent financing. Your rate won't ever increase as long as construction is completed within the construction period.
  • One loan covers the construction period and permanent financing for up to 30 years. No need to pay closing costs twice or provide updated financial information at modification.
  • A float down option to current market rates when the loan is modified at the end of the construction period.
  • Interest-only payments during the course of construction.
  • Fannie/Freddie conforming and high balance loan limits allowed.
  • Loan to Values up to 95% based on the lower of purchase price, cost of acquisition, or appraised value.
  • Your builder does not need to provide financial or credit information.

To learn more, or get started with the process, connect with one of our knowledgeable loans officers today!

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*All loans subject to underwriting review and approval.